The Rise of the Dragon Illustrations

"The Painted Table at Dragonstone"

"The Painted Table at Dragonstone"

"Visery's First Flight"

"Visery's First Flight"

"Silverwing at the Wall"

"Silverwing at the Wall"

"Three Wild Dragons"

"Three Wild Dragons"

"The Dragonkeepers"

"The Dragonkeepers"

"The Field of Fire"

"The Field of Fire"

"Rallying at Pinkmaiden"

"Rallying at Pinkmaiden"

"The Rout at the God's Eye"

"The Rout at the God's Eye"

Illustrations I painted for "The Rise of the Dragon" and the official 2023 calendar.
Publisher: Pengiun Random House / Ten Speed Press
Copyright G. R. R. Martin

October 28, 2022